Chat Widget configuration

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Sylwia Kocur
3 min read
updated: Aug 14, 2024

You can adjust the ChatBot Chat Widgetā€™s settings to match your brand style.

Enable the Welcome screen, change the bot’s default name, add the bot description, enable whitelabel, disable the text field, and add your social media platform in the General section of the Chat Widget integration settings.

When theĀ bot is integrated with LiveChat, allĀ changes should occur in the LiveChat Chat Widget configurator, which should be installed on your site.Ā See how to customize the LiveChat Chat Widget.

If you have theĀ bot integrated with Facebook MessengerĀ orĀ the bot integrated with Slack, you cannot adjust the chat window, as the integration does not use ChatBot chat windows.

When theĀ bot is integrated with LiveChat, allĀ changes should occur in the LiveChat Chat Widget configurator, which should be installed on your site.Ā See how to customize the LiveChat Chat Widget.

If you have theĀ bot integrated with Facebook MessengerĀ orĀ the bot integrated with Slack, you cannot adjust the chat window, as the integration does not use ChatBot chat windows.

How to configure Chat WidgetLink icon

To customize your Chat Widget settings, open theĀ IntegrationsĀ plug icon, andĀ connect theĀ Chat WidgetĀ integration. Go to theĀ GeneralĀ section.

Set up your settings.

  • Welcome screen - show the welcome screen with a description and your social media links before the chat starts

  • Bot name - change or leave the default bot name

  • Description - briefly describe your business and explain how the chatbot can help the user

  • Powered by - leave or remove the Powered by ChatBot label from your Chat Widget (white label)

The white label option is available in the Business and Enterprise plans.
The white label option is available in the Business and Enterprise plans.
  • Text field - turn the Chat Widget text field off; when disabled, the typing field will be enabled only when the user triggers the Question action

You can only disable the typing field when you use our native ChatBot Chat Widget. You cannot switch the field off if the bot is integrated with Slack or Facebook Messenger.

If you have the bot integrated with LiveChat, use the LiveChat Chat Widget on your site. In the LiveChat integration configurator, you can disable the typing field.

You can only disable the typing field when you use our native ChatBot Chat Widget. You cannot switch the field off if the bot is integrated with Slack or Facebook Messenger.

If you have the bot integrated with LiveChat, use the LiveChat Chat Widget on your site. In the LiveChat integration configurator, you can disable the typing field.

  • Social media - share your social media links directly on the welcome screen

On the right side of the configuration screen, you can preview the changes applied to your Chat Widget in real-time. Choose from one of the views to see the minimized chat, welcome screen, or ongoing Chat Widget view.

You can also see the changes and test the bot on the Sample pageā€”this page imitates the installed bot working.

On the right side of the configuration screen, you can preview the changes applied to your Chat Widget in real-time. Choose from one of the views to see the minimized chat, welcome screen, or ongoing Chat Widget view.

You can also see the changes and test the bot on the Sample pageā€”this page imitates the installed bot working.

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