What are attributes

Kacper Wiacek Product Expert Lead
Kacper Wiacek
2 min read
updated: Jul 16, 2024

Attributes allow you to assign information to users or ongoing chats and pass them to web services. They help you personalize chats.

Check out the way the attributes work with entities in our video tutorial.

You can also see how easy it is to use them along the bot flow and make your chat more personalized in this video.

Check out the way the attributes work with entities in our video tutorial.

You can also see how easy it is to use them along the bot flow and make your chat more personalized in this video.

Quick OverviewLink icon

  • There are two types of attributes: user attributes defined and ready-to-use default attributes.

  • User attributes are related to user entities and system entities.

  • You can assign custom attributes at any step of the conversation tree using the Set attribute action.

  • Use the Question action to validate user input and collect attributes.

  • You can use a maximum of 99 attributes in one interaction.

Using attributes in bot responsesLink icon

Attributes can be added to all bot responses, including titles and buttons. To select the attribute, click on theย curly brackets symbolย {...} available in all text fields.

Types of attributesLink icon

Default attributes automatically collect information regarding users, such as Name, Email, Avatar, Language, Integration, or Source of a chat. Default attributes can be used only for bot responses.

User attributes are predefined by users. They can be captured with entities or set manually with the Set attribute action.

Attributes sectionLink icon

How to navigate to the Attributes section?

  1. Go to the chatbot view in your dashboard, choose the Settings icon, and open the Attributes & Entities section.

  2. On the left-side panel, you’ll see an Add new button for creating new custom attributes. You can also manage the default attributes here.

  3. When creating a new custom attribute, you’ll need to provide its name (1) and optional default value (2) and choose whether it should be remembered (3) when the visitor returns to your site or not.

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